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Friday, November 8, 2013
Naftali Bennett warns against bad deal with Iran

Special Message from Minister, and member of the Security Cabinet Naftali
Bennett, in regards to talks with Iran:
8 November 2013 (facebook)

These critical days in November will be remembered for years to come.

The Free World stands before a fork in the road with a clear choice: Either
stand strong and insist Iran dismantles its nuclear-weapons program, or
surrender, cave in and allow Iran to retain its 18,500 centrifuges.

Years from now, when an Islamic terrorist blows up a suitcase in New York,
or when Iran launches a nuclear missile at Rome or Tel Aviv, it will have
happened only because a Bad Deal was made during these defining moments.

Like in a boxing match, Iran's regime is currently on the floor. The count
is just seconds away from 10. Now is the time to step up the pressure and
force Iran to dismantle its nuclear program. Not to let it up.

It would be dangerous to lift the sanctions and accept a deal which allows
Iran to retain its entire uranium-production line.

It would be dangerous because Iran would, a year, two or three from now,
just turn everything back on and obtain a nuclear weapon before the world
can do anything to stop it.

It is not enough to shut off the centrifuges. They need to be completely

We call upon the West to avoid signing a Bad Deal.

Israel's responsibility is to ensure the security of its citizens and that
is exactly what we will do.

We will never outsource our security.

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