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Sunday, September 28, 2014
Erekat Condemns U.S. State Department’s Statements against Abbas’ Speech at UN

Erekat Condemns U.S. State Department’s Statements against Abbas’ Speech at

RAMALLAH, September 28, 2014 (WAFA - Official PLO news agency) – Member of
the Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive committee, Saeb Erekat,
condemned on Sunday statements made by the U.S. State Department’s
spokeswoman, Jennifer Psaki, against President Mahmoud Abbas over the speech
he had delivered during the 69th session of the UN General Assembly.

Psaki issued a short statement criticizing Abbas’ speech at the UNGA on
Friday, in which he accused Israel of conducting a 'war of genocide' during
the recent aggression on Gaza.

'Abbas' speech today included offensive characterizations that were deeply
disappointing and which we reject,' Said Psaki, adding that “Such
provocative statements are counterproductive and undermine efforts to create
a positive atmosphere and restore trust between the parties.'

Erekat described Psaki’s words as “irresponsible, indecent and rejected.”

He said that all items underscored by President Abbas during his speech were
welcomed by the international community, with the exception of the Israeli
Government and the U.S. State Department spokeswoman.

Erekat called on the U.S. State Department to reconsider its positions and
support the draft resolution which will be submitted at the UN Security


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