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Thursday, June 1, 2017
Weekly Commentary: The critical security principle

Weekly Commentary: The critical security principle
Dr. Aaron Lerner 1 June, 2017

Here is the dilemma:

"The current administration fervently wishes to put something on the table.
We have positions that are important for us, but that doesn’t mean that
these are acceptable to them."
Prime Minister Netanyahu in a closed meeting with Likud MKs last Monday

"In order to assure our existence we need to have military and security
control over all of the territory west of the Jordan [River]."
Prime Minister Netanyahu to Army Radio last Tuesday

"We will not accept any agreement that keeps any Israeli soldier on the land
of the independent state of Palestine."
Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas last Wednesday

So we have a necessary condition for a deal that the Palestinians reject.

And if you want to be realistic - even if they agreed on paper to it, the
commitment would be meaningless since once there is a sovereign Palestinian
state they can unilaterally drop the arrangement and remain a sovereign

We must make clear at every juncture that this requirement is indeed a
necessary condition for a deal.

Make it clear that as someone who stated with all of his heart that he was
our friend and that he would respect our needs that we EXPECT President
Trump to include this principle in his set of principles.

I want to make this clear: the principle that "Israel's security needs will
be met" is NOT the vague principle that a true friend of Israel puts on the

There are all kinds of half baked ideas about how our security needs can be

Let's face it - there is a lot of ex-brass in Israel convinced that if we
were to withdraw to the Tel Aviv shoreline we would be secure as long as we
had a really nice treaty signing ceremony.

To repeat: it doesn't matter how many people with security backgrounds sign
advertisements in the New York Time - we need to have military and security
control over all of the territory west of the Jordan.

That's the principle.


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