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Friday, May 17, 2024
Red Team Working Paper Required For Genuine Discussion Of Local Control In Gaza

Red Team Working Paper Required For Genuine Discussion Of Local Control In
Dr. Aaron Lerner
17 May 2024

"Ready to hold a genuine discussion on local control in Gaza"
Netanyahu in a cabinet discussion
17 May 2024

Our tax dollars have paid for the production of working papers by the
defense establishment which feature:

#1. A best-case scenario for handing over the Gaza Strip to "Palestinian
entities" supported by forces from various countries.

#2. An incredibly exaggerated estimate of the cost of having Israeli control
of the Gaza Strip for a year.

The idea is to create a situation where, when the security cabinet meets to
discuss DM Galant's proposal supporting reliance on "Palestinian entities,"
the only official analysis on the table supports the move.

To be clear: there will most certainly be a number of people around the
table presenting excellent arguments against this proposal, but they will be
severely handicapped by not having "official" analysis supporting their

"Radical right."

"Civilians with no serious military experience."

"Listen to the experts."

After the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and its Military
Intelligence Directorate (Aman) underwent significant reforms to address the
failures that led to the surprise attack by Egypt and Syria. One key figure
in instituting the practice of Red Team analysis within Military
Intelligence was Major General Shlomo Gazit, who became the head of Aman in

Shlomo Gazit emphasized the need for critical thinking and challenged
assumptions within the intelligence community. He promoted a culture where
alternative analyses and dissenting opinions were encouraged to prevent
groupthink and ensure more robust and accurate intelligence assessments.
This approach is often referred to as Red Teaming, where a group
intentionally adopts an adversarial perspective to identify weaknesses and
improve the overall strategy.

Unfortunately, since his time, this approach has seriously deteriorated.

The security cabinet must not meet to discuss this matter before a serious
Red Team working paper is presented analyzing the alternative.

This important tool is critically needed before we succumb to the tremendous
pressure being exerted by the Americans in concert with the Israeli defense
establishment and the Israeli media to embrace DM Galant's plan.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on
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