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Friday, June 7, 2024
For My Generation, Our Children Are Israel's Greatest Generation

For My Generation, Our Children Are Israel's Greatest Generation
Dr. Aaron Lerner
7 June 2024

With it being D-Day, I am reminded of how my late mother would relate how so
many of her high school classmates gave their lives to defeat the Nazis in

My mother was, indeed, from America's "greatest generation."

When I look around today here in Israel, it is clear to me that my
generation's children are Israel's greatest generation.

Yes, the generation that fought in the War of Independence was engaged in a
battle against all odds.

But for most of them, they had no alternative.

My generation's children have an alternative.

When the sirens went off on October 7th, they didn't rush to Ben Gurion
Airport; they rushed to join the fray, not even waiting for the call-up.

The only young Israeli men rushing to an airport were those caught by the
news while overseas. They scrambled to catch the first flight back home into

We are indeed blessed by Israel's "greatest generation."

Now it is up to our leaders to make sure that the sacrifices of Israel's
"greatest generation" are not in vain.
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