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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Background: Deception Before Destroying Hezbollah's Missiles Or Kicking The Can?

Background: Deception Before Destroying Hezbollah's Missiles Or Kicking The
Dr. Aaron Lerner 26 June 2024

When the war broke out in Gaza, Defense Minister Gallant wanted to follow DM
Peretz's 2006 playbook and take out Hezbollah's missiles.

And while civilian Peretz was the only one in the room who wanted to save
Tel Aviv in 2006, Major General (Reserves) DM Galant enjoyed the support of
his COS in 2023.

The jets were ready to carry out the mission practiced so many times.

And Hezbollah did not have a clue we were going to do it.

Peretz saved Tel Aviv that night in 2006.

But PM Netanyahu opted that fateful October night in 2023 to overrule
Gallant and kick the Hezbollah missile can down the road with the help of
Gantz and Eisenkot (who had literally moments earlier joined the

So if Gallant realized in October that the missiles must be destroyed why
aren't they mentioned in any of his public remarks either in Israel or in
his meetings in the United States?

Has Gallant joined the perpetual can kickers or is something else going on?

I would certainly hope that this silence is part of an elaborate deception
carried out in concert with the Biden team to ensure an element of surprise
that would both enhance the effectiveness of the opening attacks against the
missiles and also dramatically reduce Israeli losses as Hezbollah would be
denied the opportunity to launch a massive barrage before we started taking
their missiles out.

Those missiles are deeply embedded within the Lebanese civilian population.

So If the Biden team is indeed participating in an elaborate deception it
would mean that they put the success of the operation over the loss of
Lebanese civilians lives.

This dubious scenario, if played out, would indeed mark a historic return of
the America so painfully missing in our world.

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